Safety Signs in the Workplace – The Basics


Is your workplace up to standard when it comes to displaying the correct safety signage?

Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1319:1994 has very detailed guidelines around correct artwork to classify as a compliant workplace safety sign.

These guidelines are broken down into multiple categories that must account for every hazard that is present in your workplace.

Danger Signs – Hazards that can KILL you.

Any hazard that can cause life-threatening injuries or can potentially be fatal, a compliant danger sign must be displayed where appropriate around the workplace. The word ‘DANGER’ and the red oval inside a black box must be displayed to the exact dimensions and colour outlined in the AS/NZS 1319:1994.

Warning Signs – Hazards that can HURT you.

Any hazard that has the potential to cause any level of non-life threatening physical harm must be accompanied by compliant danger sign within the immediate vicinity. Warning signs are easily recognizable with a black triangle with an image of the hazard inside on top of a yellow background sign.

Prohibition Signs – Things you CAN’T do.

Use these signs when you want to tell employees/visitors what they aren’t allowed to do. A universally understood image with a red circle around and a red diagonal line through indicates what is generally not allowed. It should be displayed up front and large so there is no misunderstanding.

Mandatory Signs – Things you MUST do.

A Mandatory sign is used to tell employees/visitors what they have to abide by on site. Usually used to instruct what PPE must be worn or what simple tasks must be performed, They are easily seen with a large blue circle with easy to understand symbolism accompanied by clear instructions underneath.

Emergency & Fire Signs – Things that will SAVE you.

In case of an emergency, these signs help guide employees to an area that can provide safety equipment or a safe way to the exit. The white text on a green background is a universal indication of safety equipment / first aid kit / fire exit etc. While a red background on a sign will indicate the location of a fire extinguisher.

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