National Gardening Week 19th – 26th October: Plants for a Better Planet!
2020…. phew, glad that’s almost over! But before we jump ahead let’s think back to what Kiwis will remember most and what will our children will tell their children about this bizarre year. Kiwis will all remember banding together against COVID-19, our solidarity for curve crusher Ashley Bloomfield and our revitalised appreciation for our own backyard whether that’s NZ tourism or literally our own backyard! We have found a love and a gratefulness for friends, family, sharing experiences, nature and GARDENING!
When the theme for this year’s National Gardening Week was announced by Yates Seeds as Plants for a Better Planet, no one can disagree that this is the perfect theme for 2020. As Yates said themselves some of us found solace in our garden and some even tried out gardening for the first time. “Planting for a better planet has never been more important – for food, for the environment and for health. The call is out to New Zealanders to get growing this National Gardening Week and reap the rewards of home-grown food.” 2020 will be the 5th year Kiwis have celebrated national gardening week and we have a feeling it’s going to the biggest and best National Gardening Week yet!

Things to do this National Gardening Week (19th – 26th October)
Grow your Own Food
as the theme is plants for a better planet, Yates are promoting planting your own food. There are many reasons to plant your own food but top of the list is it tastes better, straight from the garden and ready when you want them! Vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients as they have been allowed to grow longer. You also know exactly where your food has come from and save some money, win, win. Nothing beats home-grown kai!
Get the Kids Involved
planting food in the garden teaches kids where food has come from, and we’ve found kids eat more fruit and veg if it has come from their own garden. They are proud of their efforts and it exposes them to different textures and flavours allowing them to experiment with new (and delicious) food. Our most recent Lynn River blog “Spring Thyme” has lots of activities to keep the kids busy in the garden during school holidays. We even have a great colouring competition to win a pair of Little Vege Gardening Gloves.
Get to Know the Neighbours
When you’re growing your own fruit, veg and herbs why not reduce waste along the way, pick only what you need and share or swap what you don’t need with neighbours and friends. A great way to get to know your neighbours and pick up some tips on their perfectly pruned roses and magic mulch. Depending on how well you get to know them you may want to take part in the next activity together…
Try Nude Gardening
Gardening reduces stress and improves physical and mental health and if 2020 has taught us anything it is to try new things, enjoy the little moments and not to take life too seriously. For these reasons nude gardening is the perfect pastime to try for the first time! Be a “newdist” this national gardening week, there is no better way to embrace nature and feel free than letting your radishes swing free and baring your peaches to the sun. We are enjoying the new NZ insta account @nudegardening exhibiting the nation’s passion for pruning in the buff.
Treat yourself
all this time in the garden in the next couple of weeks, will spur you on for the rest of Spring and into Summer. We know with any hobby, it’s essential to at least look like you know what you’re doing. So get the right gear, get our hands on a quality pair of gardening gloves. As the glove experts we know a gardeners most important tool is their hands and it’s important to protect them. Lynn River SHOWA gardening glove range and new Bekina gumboots are available online or pick-up a pair at your local Bunnings or Mitre 10 store. Last tip don’t forget the ice for that fresh G&T with home grown mint leaves to reward yourself after all the gardening mahi this national gardening week.
As said by Verve Magazine National Gardening Week aims to foster a love of gardening with a focus on growing not only plants but friendships, good health, strong communities and closer connections with nature and we completely agree. Whether it’s a love of houseplants, a balcony jungle, a small patch or an extensive garden, everyone can experience the joy of gardening. If you looking for further tips for your garden keep an eye on the Lynn River blog and feel free to contact our customer services for advice on protective gardening equipment.