The clocks go back this weekend and the kids are off school for a whole two weeks. We couldn’t think of a better way to keep them busy (and useful) than a spot of gardening. You’re never too young to learn some tips and tricks around the garden with these adorable activities and products they won’t even notice that they’re learning a life skill. Gardening is great for kids, it gets them outdoors, teaches them where food comes from and gives them a project and a goal. Everything here can be found in the garden, online or at your local Mitre 10 or Bunnings so add it to the shopping this weekend!
Kids Gardening Activities:
The Great Outdoors Treasure Hunt – Love, love, love this awesome treasure hunt from DOC for the wee ones, it will keep them occupied in the great outdoors for hours. Something for every garden space, this treasure hunt works in the garden, from the balcony and in the park. Reuse it time and time again to keep discovering hidden treasures.
Giant Sunflowers – Planting sunflowers is super easy, simply bury your seeds between 1cm to 4cm depending on the type of sunflower you go for, we are big fans of Mr Fothergill’s Sunflowers Giant Little Gardeners Seeds from Bunnings. These sunflowers can even grow as tall as a house with flowers the size of a beach ball! Aim for the sunniest spot in the garden and keep them well watered for the first 14 days and then topped up after that. This responsibility and visible results will keep the kids assumed right through the summer. A spot of healthy competition works too, send us your results on our Instagram @lynnriver1969 to be in with a chance of winning prizes!
Edible Garden – It’s all the rage now to teach our little ones (or them to teach us) about sustainability therefore edible gardens are a great school holiday project. We are all obsessed with edible gardens here at Lynn River HQ whether it be herbs for the homemade meatloaf or mint for the weekend mojito. Why not get the littles ones involved, planter boxes or pallet planters are fantastic for an allocated herb space, they also grow in about 2 weeks so quick results for our budding gardeners to see their hard work come to fruition during the holidays. The easiest herbs to grow at home that kids love are: Chives, Oregano and Basil, plant them now and you’ll be pizza topping ready by the end of the holidays.
Essential Kids Gardening Toolkit:
Kids Happy Vege Gloves -> These are the must have cutest gardening accessory. Comes in 3 colours (pink, green or blue) these latex dipped gloves will have your kids looking and feeling the part of a pro gardener. Not only do they look great but they keep kids safe when playing with soil and potting mix. Designed with children’s hands and comfort in mind these gloves are easy to pull on and off great to keep them clean and safe as the dip in and out of this new hobby. Available at your local Bunnings and Mitre 10 as well as delivered to your door direct from Lynn River.
Kids Wooden Kitset Planter Box from Mitre 10 -> Easy As Kids DIY projects are easy-to-assemble wooden kitsets, perfect for children from ages 5+. Fill it with potting mix and seedlings and you’re good to go!
Something for our Grown-up Gardeners:
All this time in the garden during the school holidays means you deserve a little treat too! Why not try our gorgeous Ultra Leather Pruner, with beige suede leather back and soft leather palm for suppleness that gives you protection against prickles and thorns. These beauties also have elbow length cuffs making them the rose gardeners must have buy online or retail ready!
If you’re more of a general gardener or just a “jungle maintainer” our best seller latex gardening glove is the SHOWA 310. These gloves are a great all-rounder with superior grip in wet and dry conditions, high tear and puncture resistance and made with seamless breathable liner available in sizes XS – XL. Remember the school holidays aren’t just for the kids, buy yourself some new gardening gloves too – you deserve it!
Our final Lynn River top tip is to keep it fun, we know our gardening community can be protective over their patch, so let the kids play, dig up weeds and get to know plants and herbs in their own child friendly space or by using planter boxes and keeping them away from your prized roses. For more great kids ideas for budding gardeners and DIY wannabes this school holiday check out Mitre 10’s Easy As for Kids and Bunnings Kids Gardening Projects.