2021 is on the horizon (finally) and we’re excited to push forward into the year and make it the best yet! As it’s the season for it, we have some resolutions for everyone – and they’re safety orientated (Surprise!). Every year injuries in the workplace have been increasing and a lot of the time it’s because the correct PPE is not being used or the PPE you’re using is faulty! So in 2021, let’s make our resolution to turn this upward injury curve around!

Make sure you’re wearing always, and inspecting your PPE regularly
A huge amount of workplace injuries area product of lack of PPE or PPE that isn’t up to scratch (Worksafe standards). We really can’t stress it enough – Make sure everyone, including yourself, is wearing appropriate PPE at all times. Take a few more minutes a day to check your PPE to make sure it’s still in a condition to protect you, and it’s still up-to-date with current standards. If you see another person not wearing the correct PPE, let them know as soon as possible. If you’re in need of any type of PPE whether you’re a worker or a business owner, visit our store.

Don’t take the risk, report it immediately.
I know, it always seems like too much effort to report a risk – but it could be the difference between a serious injury or not. If you feel you are in an unsafe situation – make you you let your supervisor or colleague know immediately. Then your supervisor can come up with a better, safer solution to the job. Don’t take the risk, report it immediately.
Make this one of your workplace resolutions this year, it’ll be worth it.

Stop the distractions behind the wheel and in the workplace
It’s such a huge problem still, people think that it’s okay to use there phone while driving, it’s not. If you’re driving for work (or at all), don’t use your phone – even it’s for a split second it creates an unnecessary risk for yourself and other people around you. If you have to check your phone, pull over first, it could save your life.
The same goes in the workplace. If you’re working in warehouse or a space where there is heavy machinery, forklifts and other dangers, stay off your phone and stay alert.

Slips, Trips and Falls.
Thousand of workers are hurt from slipping, tripping or falling every year and it’s often preventable. These are some measures you can take to help prevent a slip, trip or fall:
- Keep work area and access areas clear.
- Tidy as you work, the few extra minutes could save a broken bone!
- Wear suitable footwear.
- Keep areas well lit.
- Allow extra time in wet conditions.
- Make sure slippery areas are sign posted.
- Put safety measures up around, open cavities, manholes and excavations.
- Put tools away.
Before you work in 2021, step back, analyze the workplace situation and make sure there are no unnecessary hazards around.

Safety signs are needed!
Keeping the workers and visitors safe in the workplace is the employers obligation. Safety signs are one of the best strategies to prevent injuries – they keep employees knowledgeable and facilites compliant. It is absolutely critical for workers to understand the types of hazards in the workplace, the level of risk the hazard presents, and what precautions to take.
If you have areas or hazards in your workplace that you think need to be signed, visit our website to see our wide range of safety signs. Don’t take the risk in the New Year, sign up your workplace!
That’s it, those are our resolutions for the upcoming year. Now they are yours too! Happy New Year from the Lynn River team and have a safe holidays!