Standard EN407:2004

STANDARD EN 407:2004

Gloves Giving Protection from Thermal Hazards



This standard specifies thermal performance for protective gloves against heat and/or fire.


The nature and degree of protection is shown by a pictogram followed by a series of six performance levels, relating to specific protective qualities. Gloves must also achieve at least Performance level 1 for abrasion and tear.

1. 0 to 4 - Resistance to flammability. Based on the length of time the material continues to burn and glow after the source of ignition is removed. The seams of the glove shall not come apart after an ignition time of 15 seconds

2. 0 to 4 - Contact heat resistance. Based on the temperature range (100-500 degrees celcius) at which the user will feel no pain for at least 15 seconds. If an EN level 3 or higher is obtained, the product shall record at least EN level 3 in the flammability test. Otherwise, the maximum contact heat level shall be reported as a level 2.

3. 0 to 4 - Convective heat resistance. Based on the length of time the glove is able to delay the transfer of heat from a flame. A performance level shall only be mentioned if a performance level of 3 or 4 is obtained in the flammability test.

4. 0 to 4 - Radiant heat resistance. Based on the length of time the glove is able to delay the transfer of heat when exposed to a radiant heat source. A performance level shall only be mentioned if a performance level of 3 or 4 is obtained in the flammability test.

5. 0 to 4 - Resistance to small splashes of molten metal. The number of molten metal drops required to heat the glove sample to a given level/ A performance level shall only be mentioned if a performance level 3 or 4 is obtained in the flammability test.

6. 0 to 4 - Resistance to large splashes of molten metal. The weight of molten metal required to cause smoothing or pin-holing across a simulated skin placed directly behind the glove sample. The test is failed if metal droplets remain stuck to the glove material or if the specimen ignites.


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